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Fonte HFF Lasdof Twunyliven par Have Fun with Fonts

Vous êtes sur la page de la fonte HFF Lasdof Twunyliven. Elle a été créée par Have Fun with Fonts. L'utilisation de cette fonte estgratuite à des fins personnelles. L'utilisation commerciale est interdite Vous pouvez contacter l'auteur afin de préciser les conditions de l'utilisation commerciale La fonte a été publiée sur, le 21.09.2024 à 03H 01M. Elle a été placée dans la catégorie "Techno - Autres". Version de la fonte HFF Lasdof Twunyliven - "1.0". Vous pouvez télécharger la fonte HFF Lasdof Twunyliven sans aucuns frais et sans insription en cliquant sur le lien "Télécharger la fonte". Pour votre confort, cette fonte a été compressée en Zip. L'archive contient 2 fichiers de fontes.

Commentaire de l'auteur

HFF Lasdof Twunyliven is based on Herald Square from page 39 of "Condensed
Alphabets: 100 Complete Fonts" by Dan X. Solo. Herald Square is also seen on
page 171 of "The Solotype Catalog of 4,147 Display Typefaces."

There are alternates of some lowercase characters located in the Private Use
Area. Three "g" in E000 to E002, a "j" in E003, a "p" in E004 and a "q" in

If you are curious how I came up with the name HFF Lasdof Twunyliven, it is
a play on words. The font was completed and will be released today, December
31, 2011. As you know December 31st is the last day of the year and to
commemorate the day, I decided to name the font the "last day of twenty
eleven" but it is not unique nor interesting enough so that's how it became
HFF Lasdof Twunyliven. It is hard to remember though. At least you know how
it is pronounced. :grin:

HFF Lasdof Twunyliven is a free font. You are free to use this font in any
way you want to. You can share this font with others if you wished to. Use
freely, share freely and, most of all, enjoy the font.

Happy New Year


HFF Lasdof Twunyliven font preview

Carte de la fonte

HFF Lasdof Twunyliven font map


HFF Lasdof Twunyliven font waterfall


HFF Lasdof Twunyliven font preview

Carte de la fonte

HFF Lasdof Twunyliven font map


HFF Lasdof Twunyliven font waterfall

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