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Fonte Ales & Hegar Raw par

Vous êtes sur la page de la fonte Ales & Hegar Raw. Elle a été créée par . C'est une fonte gratuite. Vous pouvez l'utiliser sans aucune restriction. La fonte a été publiée sur, le 04.06.2018 à 02H 23M. Elle a été placée dans la catégorie "Recherchées - Décoratives". Version de la fonte Ales & Hegar Raw - "Version 0.18 February 29, 2016". Vous pouvez télécharger la fonte Ales & Hegar Raw sans aucuns frais et sans insription en cliquant sur le lien "Télécharger la fonte". Pour votre confort, cette fonte a été compressée en Zip. L'archive contient 1 fichiers de fontes.

Commentaire de l'auteur

Ales & Hegar Raw

by V?t ?ond?k

Email: gunny(a)

En Cz Sk De Fr Pl

[ English Description ]

Yet another font of mine inspired by the book "Ml?de?i" by Mikol?? Ale? (1852 1913).
Its cover was designed by Milan Hegar and he tried to imitate Ale?'s ornamental upper case letters from the original 1910s magazines.
Now I tried to imitate their combined effort. =)

If you look closely at the letters you will see they are rather crude.
That's because I started with the scans of the few original letters and the style transfered to the new letters too.
I'd like to polish it someday and expand the font a bit more but such fine-tuning is almost invisible and it takes quite lot of time and work so it might take a while. ;)

[ English License ]

This font is free for any use except modification and it may not be sold.

If you think something in this font doesn't feel right please contact me.

[ ?esk? popis ]

Dal?? z m?ch font? inspirovan? knihou "Ml?de?i" Mikol??e Al?e (1852 1913).
Grafickou ?pravu knihy zpracoval Milan Hegar a n?pisy na p?ebalu nakreslil v podobn?m stylu, kter? pou?il Ale? na obalu p?vodn?ch ?asopis? "Ml?de?i" kolem roku 1910.
J? jsem se te? pokusil jejich spole?n? d?lo p?ev?st do digit?ln? podoby a trochu rozvinout.

P?i velk?m zv?t?en? je patrn?, ?e silety p?smen jsou dost hrub?.
Font jsem za?al vytv??et z p?vodn?ch nascanovan?ch p?smen a v?echny nep?esnosti se pak nevyhnuteln? p?enesly i do nov? vytvo?en?ch znak?.
R?d bych font je?t? doladit a d?le rozvinul, ale vzhledem k tomu, ?e podobn? zm?ny jsou na prvn? pohled t?m?? neviditeln? a p?itom zaberou pom?rn? dost ?asu, to z?ejm? nebude p??li? brzy... ;)

[ ?esk? licence ]

Tento font je zdarma pro libovoln? u?it? s v?jimkou ?prav a nesm? b?t prod?v?n.

Pokud ve fontu objev?te n?co, co by bylo vhodn? opravit nebo doladit, tak m? pros?m kontaktujte.



0.18 2016-02-29
* I K N

0.17 2016-02-18
* O R S T U X Y

0.16 2016-02-17
* & 7 I R
* fixed table of supported code pages

0.14 2016-02-11
+ quotes Hbar Tbar daggers
* acute circumflex tilde

0.13 2016-02-10
+ <> {} KLNRT+commabelow Lslash OU+umlaut

0.12 2016-02-09
* 7 cedilla @ GHJWY+circ Euro
+ AE * + Itilde Ldot dbls Eth guillemots
+ AEIOU+macron AEIOU+breve

0.11 2016-02-08
* 2 3 4 5 7 W Z
+ @ | AEO+ogonek Utilde bullet degree OE

0.10 2016-02-05
* & 3 6 8
+ ~ AON+tilde

0.09 2016-02-04
* & 6 9

0.08 2016-01-27
+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ? Thorn $ %
* Oslash P

0.07 2016-01-25
+ ( ) 0 Euro
* . , !
* & - z??eno
* E - zkr?cena horn? p???ka
* P - v?t?i dutina v oblou?ku
* S - napojena doln? ma?le, cel? vyhlazeno
* T - zru?ena horn? kudrlinka, upraveno prohnut? sm?rem doprava
* X - krat?? patky, hlad?? ma?le
* Z - spodn? kudrlinka v??

0.06 2016-01-22
* P v?t?? dutina v oblou?ku
* E zkr?tit horn? p???ku
* T- zru?it horn? kudrlinku
* X krat?? patky

0.00 2016-01-20
* first rough conversion


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