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Fonte Rainbow Mansion par

Vous êtes sur la page de la fonte Rainbow Mansion. Elle a été créée par . L'utilisation de cette fonte estgratuite à des fins personnelles. L'utilisation commerciale est interdite La fonte a été publiée sur, le 10.06.2019 à 15H 06M. Elle a été placée dans la catégorie "Simples - Serif". Version de la fonte Rainbow Mansion - "Version 001.000". Vous pouvez télécharger la fonte Rainbow Mansion sans aucuns frais et sans insription en cliquant sur le lien "Télécharger la fonte". Pour votre confort, cette fonte a été compressée en Zip. L'archive contient 6 fichiers de fontes.

Commentaire de l'auteur

??You read me! I'm proud of you.??

The usage guidelines for this font are a bit different than the ones for most of my other fonts. Please read carefully!!

1 If your use is strictly personal (caption on a vacation photo, title for an class essay, etc), you can do anything with the font *except* sell it or anything derived from it. I ask that you not upload it to any font aggregator sites like

2 If you are or are representing a major nonprofit, please contact me before publishing anything with this font (though you can use it internally). Nonprofits are bureaucratic enough to take three minutes to send me a message that says "We're making a video about so and so and we'd like to use your font please tell me how much it costs to license it". It's not hard, and I don't charge much.

3 In America, the alphabet is public. However, just as businesses can't exploit national parks, companies have to abide by a different set of rules than individuals.

4 For small commercial operations (selling t-shirts, making posters for a business), donate what you feel the font is worth to you. Basically, if you make money off of it, it would be nice if you would pass along some of the profit to me in the form of a donation. There's a link on the font page that says "donate to author" that you can use, which will take you to my paypal page. $15??50 USD is what I typically expect, though if your operation is particularily small, five or ten dollars is fine.

5 For larger operations, or for clarifications, please contact me.

6 If I don't get back to you, assume your usage is fine.

7 I always ask that you let me know if you use or see my fonts used anywhere (regardless of donations)?? I like seeing my fonts out in the wild!

8 Unlike many of my other fonts, please don't modify and sell this font without at least telling me first.

9 There is no number 9.

10 Some font designers place religious or political restrictions on what you can say with the font. I am not one of them. I don't really care if you're a neo-Nazi newspaper, Uzbekistani war criminal, or person who puts their butter on the bottom of their toast. Just don't make it seem like I endorse your opinion in any way.

11 Apply some common sense. Don't go looking for loopholes.


Rainbow Mansion font preview

Carte de la fonte

Rainbow Mansion font map


Rainbow Mansion font waterfall


Rainbow Mansion font preview

Carte de la fonte

Rainbow Mansion font map


Rainbow Mansion font waterfall


Rainbow Mansion font preview

Carte de la fonte

Rainbow Mansion font map


Rainbow Mansion font waterfall


Rainbow Mansion font preview

Carte de la fonte

Rainbow Mansion font map


Rainbow Mansion font waterfall


Rainbow Mansion font preview

Carte de la fonte

Rainbow Mansion font map


Rainbow Mansion font waterfall


Rainbow Mansion font preview

Carte de la fonte

Rainbow Mansion font map


Rainbow Mansion font waterfall

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